Discover the wonder of our


We are


We discovered and created some of the most memorable tour and travel safaris in Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya which are loved by almost every if not all of our clients love, after several years of service, research and field study. On top of the popular safaris, we have more to choose from in addition to the personally customized safaris, so that you can choose every component of the safaris of interest. The choices include but not limited to; safari/tour guide, destinations, activities, food, type of accommodation (home stay, restaurant, camp, hotel), vehicle, number of guests and so much more
Discover the wonder of our


Why book with us?

Safety and trust

You will feel safe knowing that when you travel with us, we've got you covered. The cost of your trip will be safeguarded, You have the freedom to alter your plans before your trip if necessary.

Local Knowledge

Our specialists know their destinations inside out. They'll help you see the main attractions in an alternative light and introduce you to places others might miss.

Responsible Travel

We make sure our team and suppliers adhere to responsible tourism. Protecting and conserving our pristine environment and its Eco system is our duty
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Share Your Happiness

Zoom Tours & Travel Gives Back

In addition to the leisure, tourism benefits, volunteering gives people a sense of purpose. It’s our happiness and joy to give 10% of your booking to our charity World Action Fund. The fulfilling feeling of giving back and contributing to society is unparalleled. Giving back is also a great way to get to know your community and its citizens. When you give or volunteer, you have the opportunity to meet lots of new people. This in  Non-Profit organisation that provides free services to the community in conservation, disability, education and health.
We’ve got you covered


From a safari and trekking tour to a vacation of pure relaxation and culture, we can combine our packages to craft an itinerary that exceeds your expectations.
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